
Afternoon on the lawn

"Its not time to go in yet, is it?"

There's nothing we pigs enjoy more than spending a sunny afternoon outside munching grass on the lawn.


Revy, Guinea Pig Hairstylist

Revy examines her client

Revy was recently caught barbering - not herself or another guinea pig, but one of our humans!


Brunch with the girls

"And then I was like..."

This is what brunch with the girls looks like in Piggyland - four sows sharing one bowl of healthy plain timothy pellets!


Wild West themed wooden guinea pig houses and beach retreat

Remember the wooden guinea pig houses and hay wagon in our earlier posts? We just found out that they are adding a new Wild West themed collection of cavy hideaways and wanted to share their pictures here. If westerns don't suit your taste, they also offer a piggy sized beach house.

Carrying off the cucumber

It is no secret that we guinea pigs love cucumber and are possessive of our allotted slices. When presented with a serving our usual MO is to hold it in our mouths and carry it off to eat at a safe distance far away from the other pigs. Pigloos provide a good defense and make it strategically easier to fend off poachers whom have managed to finish their food first. However as you can see in the video, things don't always go according to plan..


Belka, squirrel piggy


Our slave managed to capture this picture of Belka grooming herself. With her cheeks puffed out, she almost resembles a squirrel.


Wooden hay wagon in action

An action packed video featuring us pigs eating bluegrass hay from the wooden hay wagon. Eating counts as action right? We purchased this for $20 and had it shipped to us in the San Francisco Bay Area.


Cozy Cave from the Cozy Cavy

We managed to snag this guinea pig cage accessory one of the last times Marsha from the Cozy Cavy put a few premade items up for sale a few months ago. The Cozy Cave is a snuggly reversible fleece tunnel bed that we pigs can sleep in and run through.


Grow, grass, grow!

Sadly, we piggies haven't been allowed outside lately as it has been pouring buckets for the past week. Forget cats and dogs, it has been raining cavies and capys in not-so-sunny California.


Wooden guinea pig barn house

We are quite fond of this adorable wooden barn house. What makes this guinea pig hideaway especially unique is the built in hayloft up top!


Multi flavored hay rack

Since we are spoiled little guinea pigs, we get three different types of hay in our vertical hay rack: timothy, meadow and orchard grass.

This picture illustrates how the flavors are stacked at different levels, similar to a multi layered cake. We can reach different types by climbing up and down the sides of the rack.


Happy Easter


Happy Easter! Wishing every piggy and their slaves (reasonable amounts of) tasty Easter carrots. As for the picture above, it is our version of this picture from icanhazcheezburger.com.


Peaches vs Cherry Tomato

Peaches recently battled a small regiment of cherry tomatoes at mealtime. It is unclear who won the battle, the determined little guinea pig or the tomatoes.

One can argue that since Peaches devoured the tomatoes (as evidenced by the juice dripping down her chin), she was victorious.