
Belka and Truffle are ready for autumn

"Shh.. we are camouflaged! Completely hidden! Right?"

Going along with Peaches fall themed Halloween pumpkin costume, Belka and Truffle agreeably posed for a few snapshots in a pile of fallen leaves. Their costume? Autumn camouflage.


Being in California, we aren't privy to the dramatic blazes of color commonly seen on the East Coast so naturally our slave is easily enchanted by autumn foliage. The usual local color palette is brown and browner. While these particular leaves stood out, Truffle and Belka blend right in.


Can you see the piggy family resemblance?

Although the agouti sisters love their summer produce (corn husks and watermelon rinds rank highly in their book) they are also fans of fall offerings (including apples and fresh cranberries). We'll see if they can add fresh pumpkin to their list of edibles this weekend.


  1. Awww! A "Ladt and the Tramp" moment.

    Love Billy

  2. Such pretty pigs with piggy smiles!

  3. We love these pigtures, the pumpkin one too! Maine you girls want to feature in next years undercover guinea pigs calendar? The proceeds will be donated to a shelter...

    1. Of course, we love the undercover pigs calendar. My copy hangs next to my desk and the pigs cage. Already excited at the thought!

      Just send an email with whatever pigture(s) you pick out and I'd be happy to send you the unmarked high quality version :)

    2. Hi,i just read your post about peaches gorgeous pigture, i'm sorry to hear this happened. Some people can be so heartless.
      I would still love to feature a pigture of one of your girls if you are still up for it...
      Like i said i loved the Halloween and Autumn pigtures, but the catwalk / movie pigtures are my favorites right now. Let me know if you still want one or more of your girls in the ucgp calendar...

  4. This post and those pictures made my day. Thanks.

    1. The piggies are happy to be of service Sir Brian. We do what we can :)
