
Guinea Pig Kissing Booth

Poof mans the guinea pig kissing booth
"Piggy kisses... step right up!" -Poof

Piggy kisses anyone? Forget the traditional carnival kissing booth, I'd rather get in line to smooch a lovable guinea pig instead!

Over the past few weekends we spent some time designing and building a miniature kissing booth for the upcoming Bay Area Pignic. We came up with our own take on the idea after being inspired by Orange County Cavy Haven, who set up a full sized guinea pig kissing booth table at the SoCal Pignic to raise money for the rescue.

The herd at the piggy kissing booth
Which peeg would you pick to smooch?

Being the engineer that he is, the piggy dad insisted on taking measurements and creating a 3D model of the booth in SolidWorks prior to construction. Long after the paint had dried I finally got around to adding the finishing touches earlier this week. Given my rubbish drawing abilities the text and illustrations took several hours longer than expected. Of course, Poof had the most difficult job of all - sitting in the piggy kissing booth and putting on her cutest hug-me face.

With the Bay Area Pignic this Saturday, we finished just in time. Stop by to kiss some cavies and say hello!


  1. Goodness, that is freaking adorable! I'm sure that will be a huge hit at the pignic.

  2. Hi Brooke, this was a rather time consuming one-time project that my fiance and I spent several weekends working on. Sorry!

  3. This is the single most adorable thing I've ever seen!

  4. This is BRILLIANT CAN I PLEASE PLEASE maybe get you to make one for me, I do a lot of fundraising here in KY this is just too perfect... I can pay through paypal thanks bmwpcr25@hotmail.com
