
For the Love of Pellets

Breakfast pellets

Likely as a side effect of having their timothy pellets rationed, the girls all love getting breakfast pellets. Having an unlimited hay bar is great and all, but hey... as the pigs believe, the more food the merrier.

Every morning after hearing the alarm clock they rush to the food bowl and begin wheeking in anticipation (side note: this is a foolproof way to drag me out of bed). When my pellet pouring speed isn't up to par, Revy or Peaches will headbutt the container in my hand to move things along. Hungry peegs wait for no one!

The occasional stare down occurs when the bowl starts running low. Truffle's evil eye is typically enough to send Peaches running. But when morning pellets are involved? Not a chance.


  1. That LOOK! Haha... what an expressive piggie!

  2. Thanks Mandy! Fresh greens are always a cause for much piggy excitement :)

  3. Pellets that one has sniffed out on the floor are the tastiest. At least they clean up after themselves!

  4. Our alarm clock 'is' wheeks! "Come on slaves. We need fed"!

  5. MandyChameleonStampedeApril 1, 2014 at 10:56 AM

    The pics of your piggies are always amazing... Your photography skills are fantastic! As you know, my pigs are constantly pigging out. When fresh greens arrive, they get so excited :)

  6. Ha! My girls are the same. And the head-butt will often result in pellets all over the floor (not that they seem to mind).

  7. I have pellets in the pen all the time, should I only put it in once a day or?
