
Guinea Pig C&C Fleece Cage Tour

guineapig C&C fleece cage tour

It's been a while since our last C&C cage tour. Here's a look at our current spring themed guinea pig cage setup. Can you spot the cavies going about their piggy business?

cavy C&C cage setup

Cage size (in grids)

3x5 + 1x2 loft :: Belka, Truffle, Peaches & Poof
2.5x4 :: Revy & Abby-Roo

Total: (20.41 + 2.72) + 13.61 = 36.74 sq ft 

For bedding we use anti-pill fleece layered over washable furniture pads. You can read more about how fleece bedding works here.

 Below you'll find a list of the various cage accessories that appear in the pictures. Listed numbers correspond to the ones in the photos.

3diy C&C bunk bed fleece forest

cavy vertical hay rack cozy

guineapig cage accessories

fleece cozies

cage loft
  1. Bunk bedDIY
  2. Fleece forestDIY
  3. Puffy bed from Let Sleeping Pigs Lie: buy, review
  4. Vertical hay rack: DIYvideo clip
  5. Bricks: reasons why 
  6. Cozy cave from The Cozy Cavy: buy, review
  7. Clear acrylic backed C&C grid: DIY and reasons why
  8. Fleece cube house from Piggiepopshop: buy, review
  9. Tunnel from Piggiepopshop: buy 

View our previous cage setups:
Christmas 2012 
June 2012 
Revy's January 2012 bachelorette pad 
October 2011 
August 2011 

It's certainly interesting to see how our cage has evolved. If you've found this helpful I'd love to see pics of your cage or DIY creations (Twitter, Facebook). Hope the tour has given you some fun, creative ideas to add to your pigs home!


  1. You're very welcome! So glad you got some ideas for your pigs' home :) and a big hello to your little piggy family!

  2. Perhaps, you could always try it out. They might come around to the idea after they've seen how it works firsthand too.

  3. My piggies have a second hand with two levels. Although it's not a c&c cage. It has hayand newspaper for bedding and a log tunnel to hide in. I love the idea of having fleece but the other piggy slaves don't. Maybe we could ha ve the top floor with fleece and the over floor with hay. What do you think?
